New Spendor D7.2 and Primaluna Evo 400 Now on Demo!

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Hi All,

2 of our most popular products have recently had a makeover so I am pleased to say that both came in last week and are now on permanent Demo.

Spendor D7.2.

I’m a big fan of the original Spendor D7 so now that they have had a makeover to .2 spec I am sure they will be equally as popular if not more so.

So what has changed? Basically there are subtle visual changes with fully magnetic grilles and a slimmer plinth but more importantly there sonic improvements that come from additional cabinet bracing and an improved dynamic damper system which give a more musical sound without loss of transparency or resolution according to Spendor so who am I to argue 🙂


PrimaLuna Evo 400

So PrimaLuna have always been really popular with our customers, everyone that buys one really does love them, I never get a bad comment about them to be fair, with the soft start and Auto Bias they really are easy to live with valve amps and they really are extremely reliable, we have sold loads and never has one had to go back for repair which is pretty good going.

So just recently Primaluna announced that they are updating their full range to the Evo range, so at the moment we have the new top integrated on demo which I should add really does have a brilliant headphone amp built in, we also have the top Pre/Power combo on order which is fully balanced as well as the their new Valve DAC which I am really keen to hear and shortly we will add the Evo 200 integrated at £2698.


So as both of these came in together it seemed a good idea to run them in together as they are actually a really good match.

If you’d like to come in to demo either of these please feel free to get in touch.

Many thanks,



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