
Analog Relax – EX1000 Phono Cartridge

Our price:£10,998.00

What HFL Thinks

EX1000 MC – Analog Relax was founded by Yasushi Yurugi, an avid record collector, musician, jazz fan and innovative cartridge designer. A keen saxophonist, Yurugi has a deep appreciation of that sax maestro, jazz legend Zoot Sims, so much so that he founded the Zoot Sims Fan Club. That kind of musical obsession made him want more, knowing the vinyl groove contained yet more heart and soul to be revealed. “I never doubt that records have the best sound quality for listening to music, and I live with a collection of several thousand records and eight turntables.” This inspired him to create moving-coil cartridges which would exceed the capabilities of those available – a challenge he could not resist.

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EX1000 MC – Transducer MC Stereo Phono Cartridge

Solid 2000-year-old Yakusugi cedar forms the body of the EX1000. An exceedingly rare tree, the Yakusugi cedar accumulates resin within it its cells to prevent wear or degradation caused by frequent rain. To complement the body’s inherent resonance, beeswax is used for the surface finish. As a result, the colour of the body will change over time, but we believe this will only enhance your enjoyment of this product, which acquires a unique patina, as do other cherished artefacts.


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