New Products On Demo From Fyne, Chord, Franco, Levinson, Arcam, JBL, IsoAcoustics & PrimaLuna!

SE New Product Banner shop tile px x px

SE New Product Banner shop tile px x px

Hi All,

Hope everyone is safe and well, over the last couple of months it has been pretty frantic in here which I am very thankful for but one of the casualties has been that I haven’t had any time for an blogs and updates on the latest goings on at HFL.

As we said before even a world pandemic doesn’t appear to stop HiFi and over the last month or so we have had some exciting new demo products come in so I normally would write a quick blog about each but as the year draws to an end I thought I would just do a post covering everything new we have here so please see below for a real Santa bag of HiFi treats and if anything interests you please feel free to get in touch.

Fyne Audio 501SP Speakers

I’m a big fan of the original Fyne Audio F501’s, they really are unbeatable for the money and Fyne have done it again with their new higher end version, the F501SP, at under £3000 they really are brilliant and are well worth a listen if you are looking for speakers at this price point.

fsp piano gloss white pair grille

Chord Ultima 6 Stereo Power Amp.

So we have the Chord Reference Ultima 2’s and Ultima Pre here which I love but at nearly £50k they are not going to fit everyone’s budget so we have now added the Ultima 6 Stereo Power amp to our demo lineup which absolutely sings and at £5995 is a tad more affordable.


Franco Serblin Accordo Essence Speakers

Franco Serblin speakers have been a bit of a revelation to me in 2020, I am totally captivated by the Ktema but we now have the Accordo Essense on permanent demo which completes the full range of Franco Serblin speakers for customers to listen to, they are extremely musical and natural sounding and obviously stunning to look at, there really are a lot of speakers out there but the Franco Serblin Speakers really do stand out in a crowded market place.


Levinson TT no 5105 Turntable

So we have just taken in the new Mark Levinson no 5105 Turntable, beautifully engineered and at £5399 not ridiculous money, I’m just deciding which cartridge to fit to it, probably a Dynavector of some kind, maybe an XX2 but this will be well worth a listen up against the Rega Planar 10, new SME Model 6 and the Michell Orbe, we really are spoilt for choice when it comes to quality turntables.

Mark Levinson no

Arcam ST60 Streamer

We also now have the new Arcam ST60 streamer on demo which caters for all the major streaming services and is a Roon endpoint and at £1199 really is cracking value, I’ve been using it for a few demo’s lately and really does sound good so will be a great way to get in to streaming without breaking the bank or a nice upgrade from something like a BlueSound Node 2i.

ST e x

JBL L82 Classic Speakers

I love our JBL Classic 100’s so I’m really pleased to have added the smaller and cheaper at £1999 JBL82’s to our lineup, they really is nothing like this range from JBL, unashamedly retro but sound excellent which is the main thing I guess but you can’t help but love the looks.


New PrimaLuna Integrated Amps.

PrimaLuna is one of our most popular brands, everyone loves them when they hear them so although the Evo 400 Integrated is our most popular amp in their range I thought it made sense to add a Evo 100 and Evo 200 Integrateds also to cater for everyone’s budgets.

Evo Integrated Silver


IsoAcoustics has been very popular for us this year, anyone that has tried their Gaia’s of Orea’s have nothing but praise for what they do so now they have bought out their ZaZen range of Isolation Platforms, we have both models on demo, they are ideal for Turntables and Preamp, DAC’s and sources so if you want more from your system then they are well worth considering.

zaZen low front scaled

Bryston BR-20

Finally we have the new Bryston BR-20 Preamp, this is due early January but I am really looking forward to trying this myself, basically a streaming Preamp that can be partnered with a Poweramp to give a really nice and discreet highend system, for me this partnered with a Bryston 4B3 will be epic.

BR Silver Front alpha web

Thanks for reading and if anything takes your fancy please feel free to get in touch.

All the best and take care,



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