Our UK Audio Show Report + Pictures!

Hi All,

It has been a long time since HFL actually exhibited at a show so I thought I would do a quick write up and post a few pictures from the UK Audio Show we are just back from.

Firstly it was great seeing so many familiar faces over the 2 days of the show, it really did feel like an HFL open day on many occasions, overall it was a lot of fun.

I really enjoy doing shows but they are a lot of work and I’m certainly feeling it sitting here writing this the next day, maybe I am getting too old to be lugging HiFi across the country, as although the show is only a 2 day event you have to get everything ready so in reality it is a weeks work with getting everything together, boxing it up, then getting it back to the shop and unboxing it again, saying that I really enjoyed it, just wouldn’t want to do it every week.

Just about squeezed it all in.

All on its way to our room.

When we got to the venue the room we had been allocated was on the rather small size, that was totally my fault as I did say I wanted a small and intimate room but in reality it was way too small so a quick chat with the organiser and we went for an upgraded room which suited our needs much better, so we got on with unloading the van and getting everything in the room and a couple of hours later we were making music, it soon became apparent though that it was a very live room which was making the system of DeVore, Western Electric and dCS sound quite bright, not ideal, but after mucking about with positioning of the speakers we improved things considerably but it still didn’t sound as good as I knew it does in the shop, maybe my expectations weren’t realistic as at the end of the day we were in a hotel conference room, so as one final throw of the dice I rang Wendy who shot over to the shop and picked up 2 rugs from our demo rooms that we put in front of the system which really helped. In the end I think we achieved a really good sound all things considered.

As if by magic we are ready for action.

Bringing these 2 rugs in really helped damp the room.

The DeVore Orangutans O/96’s challenged the room the most, the O/Baby’s sounded much better to be honest but at the of the first day we swapped to the O/93’s and these most definitely suited the room the best, which just proves that as I am always saying, the room really is the biggest part of your HiFi so we ran the O/93’s all day on Sunday.

The DeVore Orangutan O/93’s really suited the room the best.

Everyone seemed pretty impressed with what we achieved which was a relief and great news.

Then before we knew it the clock hit 4pm on Sunday and it was all over, it only took 30 mins to box everything up which was great but 2 hours to get it in the van, now we just need to get it all back in the shop, overall though it felt like a great show with some really positive comments on the system we took which was my main goal, I just wanted to get the DeVore + Western Electric system in front of as many people as possible as for me it really is one of the best combo’s on HiFi I have heard.

Now shall we do it again next year, that is the million dollar question but yes I think we may.

All the best,



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