
dCS Rossini APEX DAC

Our price: £29,500.00

What HFL Thinks

dCS Rossini Apex DAC – dCS are just from up the road in Cambridge and have been pushing what is possible from digital playback for over 25 years now, whether that be CD or more likely nowadays computer audio and streaming, they focus on precision and accuracy to make the music sound as real as possible, known for their Ring DAC technology and their 4 box Legendary Vivaldi system dCS are real innovators in the digital domain so please come into HFL to hear digital music like never before.

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Apex Upgrade Review –

Powerful and graceful too, the Rossini renders music with the utmost precision and care, delivering a fluid and natural sound without the slightest hint of harshness or glare. From the softest strings to the sharpest brass, and the quietest intake of breath, it unearths each aspect of a recording to reveal a performance that feels layered, lifelike and whole.

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