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Franco Serblin Accordo Essence Ex Demo – These are our Demo Accordo Essence speakers, boxed as new with very little use, please call for more information.
The birth of Accordo Essence
The chord is one of the foundations of music, essential for the tuning of a musical instrument. If we consider a large orchestra, a single instrument or a piece of music, without preconceptions, there is a chord at the base of it all.
Voicing a speaker involves the tuning and harmonising of the different parts into something uniquely expressive and coherent: from the drivers to the crossover parts, from the cabinet to its support, the singularity of each element blends into a whole, a presence capable of giving to listeners the “quality of illusion”.
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Is the result of the need to blend in a single loudspeaker the knowledge and the love for wood with the passion for the research.
It is this sense of true harmony that overwhelms us when these elements combine in perfect balance.
Behind every musical event and the emotions it conveys is a long process.
Like a musical event, Essence Accord is the result of a patient research, hours of listening and sound refinement