All Set For Our Wilson Audio Open Day Tomorrow!

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Hi All,

Just doing a final sound check ahead of our Wilson Audio Open Day tomorrow, been a busy day setting up but everything really is sounding great, certainly looking like it is going to be a busy day with people coming from all over the country and with more people registering for this open day than any before so Wendy has been busy turning 10 loaves of bread into sandwiches, it has been like a military operation in the kitchen 🙂

Really looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, it’s going to be a good one.

A fine selection of Wilson Speakers ready to rock.

The TuneTot’s are in the upstairs demo room fed by the Melco N100, Chord Electronics Hugo TT2 and M Scaler with Bryston BP17 Pre and a 4B SST3 power amp and the iconic Michell Orbe turntable.


The Sabrina’s are in the Naim Lounge fed by the full 500 System and the Rega Planar 8 Turntable.


And the star of the show, the new Sasha DAW’s are in the Highend Room driven by Audio Research 160M Monos Blocks, a REF 6 Pre, dCS Rossini and Melco N1ZS and the cherry on the top, the VPI Prime Signature, all very nice indeed.


Let the fun begin,



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