PMC Launch the Fact Signature Range!

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Hi Everyone,

Some more Munich news, this is quite a big one as I use Fact.12′s at home at the moment so the news of a new and improved Signature version is great news.

The Signature applies to both the Fact.8 and Fact.12, both have been extremely popular speakers over the years so the fact they have been given a re-fresh can only be good news.

From what I can gather PMC learnt so much from developing the epic Fenestria, especially the crossover, that they have now passed that down to the Fact.8 and Fact.12 to give a more open and insightful sound whilst reatinging their sheer musicality.

I’ve always had a soft spot for the Fact.8 as it is quite unique in its presentation, extremely quick, open and resolved so I can’t wait to hear the new Signature version, we’ll have these on demo shortly.

They are available in White Silk or Metallic Graphite which sounds quite interesting but I have to say that I think they look really cool in white so I may order a white pair for demo.

The good news is that the prices are staying the same, so £6995 for the Fact.8 and £14,495 for the Fact.12.

Please find a few pictures below and if you’d like to book a demo anytime please feel free to get in touch.

PMC Fact.8 Signature

PMC Fact.12 Signature



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