BIG NEWS! Introducing the New Naim 200 Series, On Demo Now!

Cover NewClassic Series YT

Cover NewClassic Series YT

Hi All,

Firstly Happy New Year, hope everyone is ready for a great 2023 and what better way to start the year than a pretty big announcement from Naim introducing their brand new 200 Series which is basically a new Classic range, the first for around 20 years, yes Naim don’t change their kit very often but then when the existing range performed so well and sold across the world as well as it did then I guess it was always going to be difficult to replace and improve on it but here we are at the start of 2023 with 3 new components that looks to take Naim to the next Level.

So what do we have here, firstly the NSC 222, which for those that know Naim is a new and improved version of the extremely popular NAC-272 from a few years ago, there has been so much demand for this product over the years, so it is basically a streaming Preamp, DAC, Phono Stage and Headphone Amp, just add an amp and speakers and off you go. Talking of amps next we have the new iconic NAP 250, first introduced in 1975 and this is now its 6th generation and the most powerful with 100 watts per channel, and finally to complete the new trio we have the NPX 300 which is a power supply for the NSC 222 to take its performance to the next level by disabling the internal power supply of the NSC 222 which in turn lowers the noise floor substantially.

These come in at £5700 a box, so in these crazy times we live in of constant price rises I would say they are very fairly priced for the build and performance you get.

Billy and I were lucky enough to visit Naim in Salisbury last month to get the overview and have a good listen to these new components and I have to say they really are very impressive, firstly they look stunning, still Classic Naim but with an up to date twist, in line with the more modern Statement, Uniti and Solstice designs, yes this is Naim Classic with a white Naim logo, not green as is has been forever, that is certainly going to get some attention from the Naim community. They really do look quite stunning but as ever with Naim it is the sound quality that really pulls you in, there really is a lot of trickle down technology from Statement in here, for the first time ever Naim is supporting XLR balanced terminations so it can all be easily integrated into other systems. Without sounding too enthusiastic I have to say I was really, really impressed with what I heard, you’ve still got the Naim PRAT that has always made it stand out in the crowd but it just seemed more insightful and even more engaging than before, if that is at all possible, very impressive, I’m sure it was quite challenge for the Naim design team to move the Classic range on but they really have nailed it in looks, features, design and audio performance I would say.

Now On Demo

We got our demo NSC 222, NAP 250 and NPX 300 delivered yesterday so will be busy setting it all up today in our Naim demo room, we will get it all running on our Focal Scala Utopia Evo’s as these are the speakers that Naim use in their demo room in Salisbury that we heard it on and impressed so much so will be great to get that all up and running today.

Naim Open Day – March 25th

A date for everyone’s diary as we will be having an open day with Naim to showcase the new range on March 25th so please put that in your calendar now as that is sure to be a busy one, our Naim open days always are a real highlight, more info nearer the time.

I just want to say that is great to have these new bits from Naim, there is so much love for the outgoing Classic range, and rightly so, but I know people have been waiting and wondering when and what Naim will do next, well here we are, we now have the new Classic 200 Series and I can’t wait to start demoing it our customers, if you’d like to be one of the first to experience it please feel free to get in touch to book an appointment and any questions how you may be able to incorporate it into your existing Naim system please don’t hesitate to ask.

Please find some more info below –

All the best for 2023,


Push NSC

Push NAP

Push NPX

Naim New Classic

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NSC Back Macro

NSC Display Fable

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