dCS & Constellation Audio Open Day – 27th April.

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Hi Everyone,

Time for another Open Day, this time 2 of the big guns together, dCS and our newest addition to our portfolio, Constellation Audio.

Hear the dCS Vivaldi Stack + much more!


In all honesty this was going to be a standalone dCS day with a Constellation launch day to follow but as so many people came our Wilson Audio day recently it seemed a shame to use the same electronics when we had something new in the wings so we thought this would be a good idea to give a really different flavour to this open day.

So from dCS we are really pleased to have the epic 4 stack Vivaldi setup, this is arguably the best digital front end in existence so this is a great opportunity to hear how good digital really can be, at around £80,000 this is serious kit, this will be running in our Highend Room with a pair of Wilson’s, I have requested that our friends at Absolute Sounds can lend us a pair of Alexia 2′s for the day so let’s keep everything crossed.

Introducing the new dCS Bartok


It’s not all about Vivaldi though as dCS have just released the Bartok DAC / Streamer / Headphone Amp and Pre-amp, we will have 2 of these running, one in the headphone shop to show how capable it is as a one box solution for your headphone needs and also we will use one running into a hifi system, spec yet to be confirmed.

As well as this we will have Rossini running into our 500 Naim system into a pair of Sonus Faber Amati Tradition speakers, I tried this the other day with a customer and it worked really well and also we will run the dCS Network Bridge into another system, so there is definitely plenty to keep everyone busy there.


Constellation Audio Join HiFi Lounge


So we have decided to bring on Constellation Audio, I really feel they will add something different to what we presently have on offer, at the moment we have bought on the Inspiration series, we went with the 2 x Mono’s and the Pre-amp, this is the entry level for Constellation but on doing my research they get absolutely stunning reviews with plenty of trickle down technology from their far higher end offerings, so basically we will be running a full Vivaldi stack into this setup so I can only imagine it will absolutely sing, especially if we bag a pair of Wilson Alexia’s for the event 🙂

You can see more about the range on Constellations Website in the link below –


We will have representatives from dCS and Absolute Sounds here to help run the day as well as refreshments throughout the day.

RSVP Please!

If you would like to come along could you please just fire over a quick e-mail to the below to let me know, thanks –


Many thanks and look forward to seeing everyone on April 27th which will offer a real taste of Highend Audio.



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