dCS Factory Visit!

Hi All,

Just a quick blog to share a recent factory visit to dCS! A legendary audio company based in Cambridgeshire and known for its unwavering commitment to sonic purity. To be invited behind the scenes and to witness the inner workings was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Opening the door to the factory revealed multiple engineers passionately working on a wide range of products which go through the most rigorous testing and measurements before reaching our ears! As a mere mortal, I could not help but feel that understanding the intricacies of the complex engineering employed at dCS required an electronics degree or its equivalent, but I certainly learnt a lot! dCS understands that achieving sonic perfection requires a holistic approach.

Their meticulously engineered transports minimise jitter, allowing the digital data to flow flawlessly. Their master clocks synchronise the entire audio system and eliminate timing discrepancies that may compromise the audio quality. Adding an upsampler enhances the resolution and detail of what you are listening to, and at the heart of all this lies their groundbreaking Ring DAC technology. Combine these components, and you enter the territory of sonic bliss!

After lunch, we stepped inside the listening room, which I have to say looked and sounded incredible. We started with the entry-level Lina Dac and clock, which boasts an impressive pedigree and a level of performance that would be adequate for the most seasoned listener. I was impressed by Lina’s stunning clarity and depth, and the Separation was second to none producing a very natural soundstage. If that wasn’t enough, we moved onto the pinnacle of dCS’s engineering and demoed the Vivaldi DAC, which delivered an unparalleled level of refinement and finesse that was simply breathtaking.

A thoroughly enjoyable day spending time with some of the best audio equipment available in the world of hifi today. dCS’s relentless pursuit of sonic excellence is evident in every aspect of its creations, ensuring that music lovers can listen to their favourite songs in the most accurate and captivating way possible.

We have the full dCS range available to demo at HFL! Do feel free to contact us to arrange a demonstration. I’d also recommend checking out dCS’s website to learn more about the history of the company and the products they make. Links below?






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