DeVore Fidelity O/Reference Speakers Now On Demo as Part of our New Flagship System!

Hi Everyone,

It was a big day last Friday as we finally got to unpack and setup our new 4 box DeVore Fidelity O/Reference speakers as part of our new Highend Room setup which basically meant spinning the room round so we now run our sources and preamp at the rear of the room to give centre stage to the speakers and amps, this is something I have wanted to do for a while so it is a great job done, there is still plenty of work to do sorting out all the cabling and I really need to get a turntable in the system asap but even straight out the box it is all sounding so good that I just wanted to share some pictures on the system.

For anyone who knows me they will know that I have become a big fan of DeVore Fidelity’s range of speakers so I took the plunge at the beginning of last year to order a pair of their Reference speakers, these are priced around £120,000 so it was certainly a big decision, then began the journey of putting a system together to really show them off which I feel we have really achieved with some of the best equipment on sale in the world today and I have to say even straight out the box it is sounding incredible.

It’s no lie that on first listening it actually bought me to tears, really wasn’t expecting that and I wasn’t thinking about how much it all cost, honest, it was due to the pure emotion this system can convey, it is totally engaging and lifelike, it just makes you want to listen to all your favourite music again as it is like you are hearing it for the 1st time, it really is everything I was hoping it would be, and more to be honest, now I just want anyone who loves music to come in for a listen anytime as the room will be setup like it is now for many years to come to be enjoyed by all our customers, it’s going to be a struggle to home in the evenings to be honest.

Please find a list of the system we have put together –

  • DeVore Fidelity O/Reference Speakers
  • dCS Audio Varese Streaming DAC
  • Trafomatic Audio Elysium Mono Amps and Tara 30A Preamp
  • Antipodes Oladra Server / Player.

Please find a video below of the system that I just shot, hopefully it has audio but I feel there maybe some copyright issues with the music playing, if there is no sound just sing your favourite song –

Also please find a selection of pictures below –

As I mentioned above please feel free to come in for a listen anytime, I know you won’t be disappointed.

Right, time for another listen.

All the best,






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