DeVore Fidelity Open Day This Saturday – Systems Update!

Hi Everyone,

I’m really looking forward to our DeVore Open Day this coming Saturday, thanks to everyone who has registered to come along so far, we still have some space left if anyone else would like to come along, just fire a mail over to the below to let me know –

Systems Running On the Day!

I just wanted to do a quick update on the systems we will be running in each room, there is certainly a theme here of Valve amps with dCS and Atlas Cables, I’ve tested all the systems and they all sound excellent, really looking forward to hearing what people’s favourite system is on the day.

System 1 – Upstairs Demo Room

  • DeVore Fidelity O/Baby’s with PrimaLuna Evo 400 Integrated Stereo Amplifier with dCS Lina + Clock and Rega Planar 8 Turntable

System 2 – 1st Downstairs Demo Room

  • DeVore Fidelity O/93’s with Audio Research I/50 with dCS Rossini and Melco N1

System 3 – Highend Room

  • DeVore Fidelity O/96’s with Western Electric 91E with dCS Vivaldi One + Clock and SME Synergy Turntable

System 4 – Office

  • DeVore Fidelity Micr/O’s with HiFi Rose RS520 all in one Streamer.

Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday,



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