HFL 10th Anniversary Party Update!

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to do a quick update to firstly say a huge thanks to everyone who has been in touch to say they would like to attend our 10th Anniversary bash this coming Saturday, the 5th November, it is quite humbling really, we have had well over 100 people get in touch to say they would like to help us celebrate on the day + loads of congratulatory messages which is quite incredible so again a massive thank you, it is certainly going to be a lot of fun and we have airlifted in extra cake to make sure we have enough to go round.

I see the day as a bit like a big kitchen party where it will be great to catch up with everyone where we just happen to have some awesome systems playing, my only concern is parking for everyone but we will open the gates to hard standing by the barns nearby to give extra parking so I am sure it will be fine, I mean what could possibly go wrong ?

As for the systems we will have running, I thought it would be a good idea to highlight what will be present, again the idea of the day is to celebrate with the brands that we started with in 2012 so please see below –

Upstairs Demo Room – REGA!

The upstairs demo room is basically the room that helped us build HFL to what it is today as it was our main demo room back in 2012 and still is today really, many of you will be familiar with this room, we were so lucky as it has always been a great sounding room with no treatment needed and is a nice size, in here Rega will be playing their Osiris Reference amp with the awesome Aura phono stage and Planar 10 with an Aphelion 2 cartridge matched up with a pair of PMC fact.8 speakers and REL S/510 Sub so I just know this room will sound great and be very popular, Rob from Rega will be here helping run the room and to answer any questions you may have.

First downstairs Room

This is now my office but we will be re-jigging it to have Chris selling his vinyl + we have Bradley and Julie coming along from HiFi Racks and Martin form Atlas Cables so if you have any questions for these guys you will find them here.

First Downstairs Listening Room – The Naim Room.

So no guess for what we will be having in here, yep a full Naim 500 system with the brilliant Solstice turntable hooked up also and all connected to a pair of big Spendor Classic 200 speakers so this room will be really singing, we will have Mark and Darren here from Naim to answer any questions you may have.

2nd Listening Room – The PMC / Bryston Room!

This is a room that is close to my heart as it was thanks to this combo that inspired Wendy and Myself to start a HiFi Shop as it was what we had at home before HFL and it gave us so much enjoyment we just wanted to spread the word, so in here we will be running the Bryston BR20 streaming Preamp into a pair of Bryston 7B3 mono blocks into the mighty PMC Fenestria Speakers, Peter Thomas, PMC owner, founder and all round top bloke will be around through the day as well as Paul from PMC to help run the room and answer any questions.

Headphone Room 

Headphones have been a big part of our journey through the 10 years so our new headphone room will be running a full dCS Lina stack into a pair of the new 2022 Focal Utopia headphones and also into the Stax SR-X9000 / T8000 combo, this is 2 of the best headphones on the planet so will be well worth a listen.

iLounge Racing – Start Your Engines

So we need to have our latest showroom up and running so Jono will be in here so if you fancy a go at being a racing driver or have any sim questions he will be your guy.


Normally we do quite a spread but due to the numbers involved we are just going to go big on cake, biscuits and drinks which is making me hungry just thinking about it, hopefully if the weather behaves itself we can put that all outside to give us more space for all the other fun stuff.

So there we go, plenty to get setup this week but roll on Saturday, can’t wait to see everyone, lets party ?

More Pictures

Finally I just found some pics that go back to day one, the quality isn’t great, just shows how far cameras on phones have come over 10 years doesn’t it but please see below what HFL looked like a decade ago, we even had a certain American rocker pop in for a cuppa in the early days.

All the best,

Paul, Wendy, Billy, Ady and team.

Anyone remember the picture of our 1st Visitor ?

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