Let’s All Do The OKKI NOKKI at HiFi Lounge ?

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Hi All,

I’ve been thinking about bringing on a record cleaning machine for years so I’m really pleased at last to be able to offer the Okki Nokki range of Record cleaners and accessories at HFL.

There are many different price points when it comes to record cleaning machines but the Okki Nokki is definitely considered one of the best and at £435 it really isn’t going to break the bank and if like me you love your vinyl then you really should consider a record cleaning machine as the difference from before and after a clean really can be very noticeable indeed, and not everyone realises that even new vinyl will benefit from a clean as it helps wash away the releasing agent used when records are pressed.

I haven’t put it on our website yet but any questions please feel free to get in touch and we now have a unit on permanent demo so if you fancy having a demo then feel free to bring in a record you know is a bit noisy and we can give it a clean so you can hear the difference.

You can see the Okki Nokki product range below –




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