New Trilogy Audio 921 Integrated + 994 Mono Amps Now On Permanent Demo!

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year all, here’s hoping everyone has a healthy 2024 as that is all that really matters isn’t it.

So here we go with the first blog of 2024 and it is a good one as we’ve have always been big fans of Trilogy Audio at HiFi Lounge, mainly for me just because they sound so damn good, I have used a Trilogy Preamp at home for a few years now, so we are delighted to have two new amplifier products on demo from them, firstly we have the new £5900 921 integrated amp and secondly we have the very first pair in the world of the £20k 994 Mono’s.

Trilogy 921 Integrated Amplifier

Now I’ve been looking forward to the 921 for some time now as we have it’s bigger brother in the shop, the £17k 925 but to get a Trilogy amp at this price is really exciting and now we have had it for a couple of weeks and used it in a couple of demo’s it really has passed the listening tests with flying colours with everyone who has listened to it saying it really is up their with the very best so then it just comes down to that old chestnut of personal choice, the price point is really popular with our customers so looking forward to demo’ing it plenty more going forward.

We actually did a couple of demo’s before Christmas with DeVore O/Baby customers who were looking for an amp to partner with their new speakers and it turns out that the 921 is a brilliant match which is great news as the O/Baby’s are very special but they do need careful matching so it is great that we can recommend the 921 as an option.

Trilogy 994 MonoBlock Amplifiers

Then like busses we got 2 amps come along at the same time with the brand new Trilogy 994 Mono Blocks following the 921 a week or so later, now firstly these look awesome, basically a smaller design the the Reference 995 Mono’s, quite a different design to most mono’s with their smallish footprint, I think they look stunning and another really cool thing is that firstly it is a Hybrid design so uses a valve on the output stage to give a little added warmth and naturalness to the presentation but the coolest thing is that you can switch between Class A and Class A/B, this is the only amps we have in the shop that allow this, such a cool feature, basically getting 2 amps in one which do give quite a difference in presentation.

The first thing to try was the 994’s in Class A on our demo DeVore O/96’s as I am always keen to try different amps on these speakers as they are such chameleons, they really change their presentations with different amps and like the 921 I’m pleased to say they are a great match, quite different from the 300B Western Electric 91E we normally run on them but with the extra power of the 994 it really added more control to the bottom end + more headroom but still kept the width and depth on the WE91E, in fairness we lost a little of the warmth in the mid but then as I am always saying everything in HiFi is a compromise but the 994’s are certainly a great option for the O/96’s and any speakers I would say, certainly looking forward to trying them with a variety of other speakers we have in here.

So if you like a very natural presentation which leans slightly more to the warmer side of neutral but still with all the detail and you are looking for a new amp or amps please feel free to get in touch to demo the new Trilogy 921 and 994’s as I’m sure you will love them as much as I do.

Please find a link to Trilogy on our website below and if you’d like to come in for a listen anytime please feel free.

All the best for 2024,



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