
Audio Research Reference Phono 3SE Phono Preamplifier

Our price: £22,998.00

What HFL Thinks

Audio Research Reference Phono 3SE – We really are proud to add Audio Research to our portfolio of products to offer our customers as not only are they one of the most respected and oldest companies trading today in HiFi but more importantly they produce some of the most musically engaging products available that constantly get glowing reviews worldwide. Based in the USA and known for their love of the use of Valves for the majority of their products Audio Research really do sum up everything that is great about Highend Audio offering beautifully made products that push the boundaries but they always put the music first and foremost so please come into HFL for a listen.

When Audio Research was founded in 1970, analog vinyl playback was the de facto music source of the time. Audio Research has either incorporated or built stand-alone phono stages since the very beginning and has continuously provided phono preamplification, even during the height of digital music. The Reference Phono 3SE is the next great advancement in analog playback and represents a new benchmark. The knowledge gained in the creation of Audio Research’s award-winning Reference 160-series amplifiers has transitioned to both Reference preamplifiers. The Reference Phono 3SE continues the upgrades introduced in the Reference 6SE line-stage, including a number of new, ultra-high-quality parts judiciously incorporated into its design and ushering in a new level of sonic accuracy and musicality. Due to the extremely low-level nature of the signals involved in a phono stage, the component and wiring upgrades incorporated in the Reference Phono 3SE combine to create a startling advancement in performance. The improvements heard immediately include enhanced resolution at all levels, greater purity and focus, improved transient speed and snap, and better dynamic shading. The sum of these improvements is exceptional, further breaking down the barrier between reproduced sound and the immediacy of a live event.


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