See Us At The UK Audio Show This Weekend With DeVore Fidelity, Western Electric & dCS!

Hi Everyone,

It certainly feels like the HiFi Season is now well and truly upon us again as we are just back from helping PMC Speakers run their room at the Ascot HiFi Show which was great fun and really nice to see so many familiar faces there but now one week later it is our turn to run our own room at the UK Audio Show at Staverton Park Hotel in Daventry, basically an hour from the shop, where we will be showcasing DeVore Fidelity Speakers, please find more information on the show below –

Our Room

I don’t think there is much secret that I am a little obsessed with the speakers from DeVore Fidelity so we have decided to take all our Orangutan range with us where we will run the O/96’s from 10am to 2pm then switch to the O/baby’s for the rest of the day with the O/Micro’s and O/93’s on display.

Please see below for what the system driving the O/96’s and O/baby’s will be –

System running over the weekend –

  • DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/96 and O/Baby Speakers
  • Western Electric 91E 300B Single Ended Valve Amplifier
  • dCS Lina Streamer / Dac + Clock
  • Melco SSD N1 Server / Player
  • Atlas Arran Cables
  • Melco S100 Swith
  • Isol-8 Substation LC + HC Conditioners.

Obviously you don’t really know what sound you can create until you get everything setup in the room but I’m sure we can make a sweet sounding system.

We’ll be setting up on the Friday in readiness for 2 great days on Saturday and Sunday so hope to see you there ?

All the best,



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