Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy Now On Permanent Demo, The Rebirth Of A Speaker Legend!

Hi All,

So I am really excited to say that we now have the new Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy speakers on permanent demo, this is basically the 9th iteration of the legendary WATT/Puppy design as it went through 8 different versions between 1986 to 2011 when it was retired and as HFL launched in 2012 my only experience of these speakers is within customers systems that I have heard and loved so it is great to have our first WATT/Puppy’s on permanent demo which Wilson Audio have brought back to celebrate their 50th Anniversary.

I had a feeling these would be a special speaker so when ours arrived I couldn’t wait to get them up and running but I was then admitted to hospital for a week then off work for another 10 days or so which was torture as I just wanted to hear our new WATT/Puppy’s, anyway we got them up and running at the weekend and I am pleased to say, as expected, they sound truly brilliant, they are so the right size for most UK homes so I can see them being very popular.

The origin of Wilson Audio’s WATT/Puppy dates back to 1986 when founder David Wilson created the WATT, which stands for Wilson Audio Tiny Tot, as a loudspeaker to monitor his own recordings with. In 1989, the companion Puppy was released to increase bass output, and with it the WATT/Puppy combination was born. I was told a while ago that the WATT/Puppy is the biggest selling High End speaker of all time which isn’t a surprise I guess with a history like this, this iteration is basically what David Wilson would create today if he had the resources Wilson Audio have now making it the most accomplished WATT/Puppy yet, I’m sure he would have been very proud of where his initial designs have ended up.

50th Anniversary Medallion!

A cool touch is that they come with a 50th Anniversary Medallion throughout 2024 to commemorate this incredible milestone, generally this will either come in silver of black, depending on the colour you choose your hardware, ie spikes etc, but if you order them in any variety of red then you get a red medallion making these the rarest version. Well when I heard this I just couldn’t resist and ordered our demo pair in the stunning Premium Cranberry Pearl which really does suit these speakers.

I won’t go on about the spec as this can be found on Wilson’s website but needless to say this is a highly engineered speaker with all Wilson’s 50 years of expertise put into practice into a speaker that for me is such the right size for this county and as I always say there is real magic in the Wilson mid which is so apparent in the WATT/Puppy, they give a big full sound that just feels so right and engaging so if you would like to come in for a demo please feel free to get in touch anytime.

Please find a selection of photo’s below and a like to Wilson Audio on our website –


All the best,




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