Dual Speaker Install, DeVORE Fidelity & Wilson Audio!

Hi All,

Just a quick blog to share an exciting install that Ady and I were thrilled to be part of recently! Not just for one, but two pairs of speakers, each tailored for different listening experiences!

In the primary listening space, a haven for vinyl enthusiasts, the elegant Wilson Audio Sasha V’s took centre stage, gracefully replacing their predecessors in a stunning true gold finish! After delicately unboxing and meticulously placing into position, The first play of ‘Aja’ was a welcomed reward, and I must admit, I’ve never experienced it sounding so good! As you can see in the pictures, we were surrounded by vinyl and spoilt for choice! We could’ve lost ourselves in the melodies of our favourite albums for the entire afternoon. Yet, our responsibilities led us upstairs to a cosy lounge radiating warmth and style.

Here, the focus shifted to seamless streaming and comfort, with the distinguished John DeVore 0/96s setting the tone. It is not every day we get to install two pairs of speakers! Worlds apart in their sonic personalities yet perfectly aligned with the distinct aspirations of our discerning customer.

Thanks for the wine, and Merry Christmas Everyone! Happy Listening?



Vinyl Haven – Wilson Audio Sasha V

Cosy Lounge – DeVORE Fidelity Orangutan O/96

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